Matlin Anderson

Religion Teacher
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John Brunecz

Math Teacher
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Paul Caballero

Director of Academic Affairs, English Department Chair and Math Teacher
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Christi Chisholm

Math Department Chair and Study Skills Teacher
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Heather Ferebee

Science and Math Teacher
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Courtney Ferrari

Electives Teacher
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Nick Fisher

Band, Double Bass and STEM Teacher
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Susan Fu

Visual Arts and STEM Teacher
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Jennifer Gfroerer

VCMS Principal
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Anna Harrison

Fine Arts and Visual Arts Department Chair and STEM Teacher
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Kadin Hashimoto

Physical Education and Health Teacher
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Nicholas Hegwood

VCMS Vice Principal, Religion Department Chair and Director of Community Engagement
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Melissa Iserson

STEM Department Chair and Computer Science
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Kipp Johnson

Math Department Chair
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Allison Kelly

Science Teacher
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Sara Kleen

Dance Teacher
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Yin-Fang Liao

Digital Art, STEMinar
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Jamie Lytle

Social Studies Teacher
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Peggy Malec

Spanish Department Chair
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Francis “Butch” Malec

Social Studies Department Chair and Dean of Students
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Kimberly McCann

Science and Math Teacher
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Kara Moore

PE Department Chair
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Mackenzie Mullett

English, drama and study skills
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Huy Nguyen

English Teacher
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Leland Rivers

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Alyse Rostamizadeh

VCMS Dean of Counseling
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Maria Rubash

VCMS Teacher
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Simone Parris K 2023

Parris Simone

Middle School Teacher
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Yaritza Terrero Tavera

6th grade Spanish, dance and 7th grade STEM Teacher
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Molly Teeter

Administrative Assistant
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Margaret Terry

Science Teacher
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Jade Ward

Religion and Band Teacher
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Amy Ware

Kitchen Staff
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Matt Woodworth

Social Studies and English
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Kelliann Wright

Choir Teacher and Campus Ministry
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