Music School Programs

Mission Statement

Through excellence in professional teaching and service, Valley Catholic Music School, sharing the charisma and mission of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, strives to give interested students the opportunity to recognize and develop their God-given musical talents. Valley Catholic Music School is open to students of all ages, affording them opportunities to develop as performers, musicians, and ongoing learners while enhancing their use of leisure time.

Director’s Message

Traditionally, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon have fostered and encouraged the arts in their schools. Following in the footsteps of those who have gone before us, we at Valley Catholic Music School offer many programs that provide opportunities for students of all ages to learn, master, and enjoy the art of making music. We look forward to serving you and your family!

Fill out our inquiry form to learn more.

– Ms. Beckie Hocker, Director 

Terms and Conditions


Consistency and commitment are the keys to developing and mastering any pursuit, including music. If your student must miss a lesson, we ask that you contact your instructor by phone and email at least 24 hours in advance if possible. There will be no refunds for student absences. However, arrangements may be made with the instructor for one make-up lesson per term at a mutually agreed upon time for an in-person or online make-up lesson. Lessons will take place during in-service and conference days. The music school will be closed on major holidays. 

The instructor is expected to give 24-hours notice of a cancellation unless it is an emergency. The instructor will work directly with those families who have missed lessons due to an instructor’s absence to schedule a makeup lesson.

Inclement Weather Cancellation

Official snow cancellation days or cancellations due to inclement weather or other extremely hazardous weather conditions will be determined by Valley Catholic Schools. The instructor will notify you if the school is closed with no lessons taking place. Weather conditions often change between early morning when announcements are made and afternoon/evening classes. If conditions change and the instructor and family agree, then lessons can be held.

Instruments Offered for Private Lessons

Valley Catholic Music School is open to the public, offering private lessons in the following instruments:

Piano * Voice * Guitar * Harp

Violin * Cello * Double Bass

Clarinet * Flute * Saxophone


Lessons begin September 16, 2024 through June 13, 2025

No lessons during Thanksgiving Week, Winter Break and Spring Break, Memorial Day and Labor Day. Lessons are offered as an option on Veteran’s Day, MLK Day, and President’s Day and is agreed upon between the Instructor and family. Regularly scheduled lessons will take place on all in-service and conference days.

A one-time non-refundable registration fee of $75 per student will be charged at the time of the initial registration.

Registering for Multiple Instruments: Choose “add another class” when registering for private lessons in a second or third instrument. Choose the lesson length (30/45/60/90 minutes) for the class and the Instructor if applicable. 


Tuition is based on weekly in-person or online lessons or a hybrid of both. The duration of the lessons will be chosen at registration. Changes in lesson length will take place at the beginning of a new month and must be agreed upon by both the parent/student and the instructor. On occasion the instructor and/or parent/student may wish for the lesson length to change based on the student’s needs. Additional lessons can also be made available if agreed upon with your instructor. Additional lessons occur when a student may be preparing for Syllabus advancement, solo and ensemble preparations and auditions for youth orchestras and scholarship opportunities. Additional lessons will be charged as a special assessment at the end of the month the additional lessons take place at the 30/45/60/90 minute rate.

All monthly installment payments are due on the first of each month and will be processed by automatic charge from the credit card provided at the time of registration. You may also choose to pay the full term amount at the time of registration or any balance owed anytime during the term. There are no additional credit/debit card fees. 

Authorization To Charge My Card I authorize Valley Catholic Music School to charge my card(s) on file for any services rendered, or late fees incurred. The primary card on file will be charged first; any other cards on the account may be charged if it fails.

When a credit or debit card transaction fails, the account holder is notified of the declined payment. Ensuring that payment is made by the 5th of each month will avoid late fees and keep the student’s enrollment status active. If a payment is outstanding on the 6th day, the account will incur a $15 late fee. The monthly balance on the account must be paid in full within seven days to keep the student’s enrollment active.

If a balance remains on the account, the account will incur a late fee equal to 10% of the total balance due, and the student’s enrollment status will be paused. The student may only attend class once the account is paid in full.

The student’s account will be reactivated if the payment is made in full within 30 days. If a balance remains on the account after 30 days, the student’s enrollment will be withdrawn, and the account payment plan will be suspended. A new student may claim the withdrawn student’s spot in the class. If the balance is paid in full and the student’s spot remains open, the student’s enrollment status will be reinstated immediately upon receipt, and the payment plan will resume from the date of payment.


Students withdrawing from the program must provide notificaiton on the first of the month and will be responsible for tuition through the end of the month withdrawn.

About Our Instructors

All of our instructors are gifted artists and are dedicated professionals who share Valley Catholic Music School’s mission to help students recognize and develop their musical talents. For the protection of our students, instructors are required to submit background checks and fingerprint verification. Instructors also receive annual training sponsored by the Archdiocese of Portland on keeping children safe. 

Student Expectations

Students are expected to prepare and practice diligently for their lessons each week and arrive on time. Students are expected to come to their lesson prepared with their music books and instrument, (if applicable). Students are to be considerate of others, entering the lesson area quietly. No food or drink is allowed in any of the lesson rooms. 

Ensemble Instruction

There may be opportunities during the school year where students are asked and recommended to be a part of an ensemble such as a duet, trio, quartet, etc. for a special performance(s) or competitions. Additional rehearsals may be required to instruct the students who accept these opportunities. The parent/guardian of the student will be contacted to obtain permission of the student’s participation. The rate for the ensemble instruction will be the same as one 30/45/60 minute private lesson.


The music school offers three recitals per year in November, February and April. We encourage all of our students to participate in all three recitals for the benefit of practicing and preparing new music for each performance. Giving children the opportunity to perform in a friendly, informal environment comes with many benefits. Music recitals can help kids fight stage fright, gain confidence, develop essential skills and gain improvements in different aspects of life. In addition, the music school hosts an Honors Recital each May. Students are selected by their instructor to participate in this formal recital. The selection process is based on the child’s ability to perform in a formal setting and the child’s commitment, dedication and growth with their instrument during the year. This opportunity is successful when a variety of students at different levels and ages participate to showcase their progress.

Summer Music Camp

Our camp is designed for Grades K-5 with no musical experience required. We offer rotational segments on piano, recorder, violin and voice. We teach basic music fundamentals, such as rhythm, note reading, terminology, movement and ear training. We focus on having fun with friends who like music as much as we do. Our teachers are positive, encouraging and warm, allowing each student to learn individually and in a group setting. Summer Music Camp is open to all elementary children and is held the last week in June.

The Flutissimos 

This program is open to flute players from grades 4 to 12 with at least one year of experience in band, orchestra, private lessons or by recommendation. It is designed to expand small ensemble skills and individual player skills while performing as a group. We explore a variety of fun music while learning the basics of reading parts, intonation, rhythm and more. Students learn how to conduct themselves in duet, trio, quartet and small ensemble opportunities. The Piccolo (half-size flute), Alto and Bass flutes are available to learn when the student feels ready. Students will have various performance opportunities in the community. 

The program is intended to be a full year program with the understanding that there may be conflicts during the school year with sports or other activities. I welcome students who want to commit for the year, even if they have a temporary leave for other obligations. Music will be provided during those times of absence to learn and become proficient with the pieces we are learning. As with any ensemble rehearsal, attendance is very important so please let me know in advance so I can plan the music and performances accordingly.

Rehearsals are held on Fridays from 4 to 5:45 p.m. Students should arrive between 4 to 4:15 with individual warm up between 4:15 to 4:30. Group rehearsal begins promptly at 4:30.