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Secure your Legacy during Make-A-Will Month

August is more than sunshine and summer fun. It is a crucial time to consider your legacy and protect your loved ones by creating or updating your will. August is “Make a Will Month,” it serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of estate planning.

Creating a will is not just for older people or the wealthy. It is an important step for all of us. Creating a will ensures that your hard-earned assets are distributed according to your wishes. It is a document of clarity and compassion, sparing your family from legal complications and disputes during an already emotional time.

ELS Picks berries
Students pick berries at summer camp

Creating a will may seem like a daunting task, but the SSMO Foundation and our partners at FreeWill are here to help – for free.

FreeWill has a free estate planning tool to help you create a will in as little as 20 minutes. This free resource helps you direct how your property and assets will be allocated to the people and causes you care about the most.

FreeWill and the SSMO Foundation have created a user-friendly online platform that makes creating your will a seamless experience. FreeWill also provides step-by-step guidance, ensuring you do not miss any crucial details.

Imagine the peace of mind knowing that your children, spouse, or other beneficiaries are provided for exactly as you intended.

Sr. Diana Jean and grandkids
Sr. Diana Jean and her grandkids

Whether you have substantial assets or modest belongings, a will allows you to:

  • Designate the executor of your estate
  • Specify how to distribute your assets and assign items of sentimental value
  • Provide guardians for your minor or special needs children
  • Set up a way to pay for your child’s or grandchildren’s education

In addition to these important designations, creating a will empowers you to support causes dear to your heart – ensuring your legacy extends beyond your immediate circle. Creating a will is an act that reflects your values and priorities.

Do not wait for life to catch you off guard. Use August to secure your legacy, protect your loved ones, and provide clarity in uncertain times. SSMO Foundation’s FreeWill program has made creating a will easy and free, but it is up to you to take the first step.

Visit today to embark on the empowering journey of securing your legacy and providing the gifts of peace and stability for the people and causes you cherish.

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