Huade Zeng always has a big smile and a friendly greeting when you pass her in the halls. Her peers find her easy to work with and the residents only have good things to say about her.
She started working at Maryville in April 2018. This was her first CNA experience. She had wanted to become a nurse and most nursing programs require you to be a CNA, so she enrolled in a Nurse Assistant program through Portland Community College. This is how she learned about Maryville. She was a part of a clinical group through Portland Community College that had their clinical experience here. After she finished the class, she applied for a CNA position and the rest, as they say, is history. She loves it here!
She is originally from South China and came to the United States, specifically Portland, in 2012 when she married her husband. Her son currently lives in China and she goes to visit him as often as she can. She likes to stay at home on days when she is not going to school or coming to work.
Congratulations to Huade, Maryville’s June Employee of the Month.