Mv Eom July Emily Choun

Maryville’s employee of the month for July, Emily Choun, was born and raised in Portland, Oregon. She is a Canby High graduate and earned her Diploma in Practical Nursing from Carrington College. She joined the Maryville nursing team in September of 2018 when a former co-worker of hers encouraged her to apply at Maryville. 

Emily has been a very reliable member of the nursing team, showing great flexibility with any assignment changes even at a moment’s notice. She always has a great laugh and an easygoing manner that puts whoever she is talking to at ease. She has a great “CAN DO” personality and is never fazed even in high-stress situations.

She enjoys hanging out with her two dogs, a Pug named “Baybeh” and a Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix called “Bacardi.” She is an avid fan of the Portland Trailblazers and watches their games regularly whether live or on TV. Emily says she plans to pursue getting her Bachelor’s in Nursing in the near future.

Congratulations to Emily, Maryville’s July Employee of the Month.

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