VCMS Absence Form

Please fill out an attendance form for each VCMS student that will be missing school.

Use this form if your middle school student will be absent from school, arriving late, or leaving school early. 

Once Mrs. Teeter has heard from the parent, the student is required to sign in or out at the office. The parent does not need to be present*.

Be sure you inform your middle school student(s) if they will be leaving early. Attendance will be unexcused if the office is not notified by the parent.

Students with more than ten absences will not receive a grade or credit in the course. Students with excessive absences jeopardize their enrollment status at VCMS if they do not receive a waiver from the Middle School Academic Review Board or Principal.

* If the middle school student has an elementary school sibling that will also be leaving early or arriving late a parent must come into the office for/with the elementary student.