A letter from Valley Catholic High School Principal Dr. Sara Bruins

Dr. Sara Bruins resting arms on a bookshelf

Dear VCHS Families,

The beginning of the school year is both exciting and full of changes. With new classes, teachers, students, and sometimes even a new campus to explore, there’s always an adjustment period. However, once those initial nerves settle, this becomes my favorite time of year, as I witness students, staff, and families come together to kick off another amazing school year.

The theme for the 2024-25 school year is ENGAGE. Similar to last year, our staff and students will place a large emphasis on belonging – and we will do so by fully engaging in one another, in our unique programs, and within our community. Belonging is a human need that everyone deserves, especially in a school community. Our ultimate goal is for our students to feel valued through connections with others while being able to be their authentic selves. 

Building relationships is the backbone to fostering belonging and as parents, alumni, friends of Valley Catholic High School, we extend this invitation to you. We hope you will engage with our school through athletics and activities, volunteering, and prayer. Our school is your school and we challenge you to become involved and present in the daily life of the community. Attend a school play, join us for an all school Mass, catch a football game, volunteer in the cafeteria, or work a shift in the concession stand – whatever the activity, our students will see you and know that you are a valued supporter of Valley Catholic High School.

Here’s to another great year and we look forward to seeing you on campus!


Dr. Sara Bruins