Responding with courage and personal sacrifice to the call of Christ in the Church, our foundresses lived out their desire to become women of prayer, community and service
SSMO Constitutions, Article 1

Dear Friends,
Do you think it is a coincidence that Lent takes place in the spring (in the Northern Hemisphere)? It is the season for “spring cleaning” physically and spiritually. May our Lenten practices bring peace and joy to our souls and to those in need.
In this edition of the Vocation Newsletter you will find an invitation to respond to a “Come and See” weekend for single women between the ages of 18 and 35. Women are encouraged to bring a friend with you. Please post this opportunity for women in parish bulletins.
Wishing you many blessings,
Sr. Charlene
Meet our Sisters – Sr. Denise Klaas

Sr. Denise Klaas will tell you that, somewhat like St. Paul, she got knocked off her horse on her way to a music performance career and a happily married life.
The thought of becoming a Sister was on the back burner during her high school and college years. While she enjoyed her life with friends and even becoming engaged, she knew something was still missing.
After meeting with her pastor, who was also her former high school principal, he encouraged her to visit the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon.
After that, in Sr. Denise’s words, “The rest is history.” Sr. Denise has been a Sister of St. Mary of Oregon for 41 years. Her contributions have been a driving force behind the amazing successes for the music program at Valley Catholic and at Valley Catholic Music school.
Visit: Sr. Denise’s Bio and Standing on the Shoulders to Strive for Music Excellence to see more about her incredible 41 years as a Sister of St. Mary of Oregon.
Come and See Retreats

Contact Sr. Charlene Herinckx to learn more or register.
Your invitation to a Weekend with the Sisters
Who: single women ages 18 to 35 who want to learn more about religious life.
When: May 18 and June 22
Where: SSMO Motherhouse
Why: This is your opportunity to ask questions, learn more about your discernment and spend some time with our Sisters.
Don’t forget to invite a friend to join you!
What is the difference between contemplative/cloistered Communities and active/apostolic Communities?
Each religious Community (whether active or contemplative) has a unique charism (gift from the Holy Spirit for the good of the people). The SSMO Community discerned our charism through prayer and discussion :
We, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, living as women of prayer in simplicity and sisterly love, are called to be compassionate, joyful servants of the Lord.
This is a gift from the Holy Spirit that the Sisters endeavor to practice on a daily basis for the good of our members and the people of the world.
Discernment Questions – Relationships

Vocation Events for March

Here is where you will find the SSMO Vocation Committee in March. Be sure to “Hi” when you see us.
March Feastday
March 25 is the feast of the Annunciation and the Foundation Day of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon.
On this day we celebrate when Mary was visited by the archangel Gabriel and was told that she, in spite of her youth and single state in life, would have a child and that she was favored by God.
We remember this event every time we pray the Angelus or Hail Mary. This is also a Community day of celebration as we remember the day that the first members of our Community professed vows in 1887.
Religious Women Saints – March

Saint Katherine Drexel
St. Katharine grew up in a wealthy family in Philadelphia. She witnessed the generous charity of her parents on a weekly basis as those in need came knocking at the door of the family home. She was moved by the need for better educational opportunities for Native and Black Americans. While meeting with the Pope Leo XIII, she asked him to send missionaries to serve in area schools. The Pope told her that she should become a missionary. Soon after, Saint Katherine founded the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. She was canonized in 2000 and her feastday is March 3.