Sister Denise Klaas
Somewhat like St. Paul, I got knocked off my horse on my way to a career in music performance and a happily married life! It’s not that I never thought about religious life, especially after two Holy Cross Sisters in my grade school asked me when I was in junior high if I would consider the possibility of becoming a Sister. I gave the idea some thought and put it on the back burner – way back burner!
I finished high school and went to college, enjoying my friends, dating, and I even became engaged to a wonderful man. But somehow it was not enough for me. Something seemed to be missing. So I called on my pastor, who happened to have been my high school principal – so he knew me pretty well. After having a good discussion with him, he directed me to visit the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon in Beaverton. The rest is history! I will just add that I have been a Sister of St. Mary of Oregon for more than 40 years. I feel blessed and grateful to be called to be a compassionate, joyful servant of the Lord as I serve the Church and my community.