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Responding with courage and personal sacrifice to the call of Christ in the Church, our foundresses lived out their desire to become WOMEN OF PRAYER, COMMUNITY, and SERVICE.

SSMO Constitutions, Article 1

Dear Friends,

In this issue of the SSMO Vocation Newsletter, you will read about two more of our nine Jubilarian Sisters who will be celebrating on July 30 here at the SSMO Motherhouse. You will also find the second set of discernment questions and information about the June feastdays of Mary and two women religious who have been declared saints.

If you know someone who would appreciate receiving the monthly issue of this Vocation Newsletter, please forward it to them.  

Wishing you the gifts of the Holy Spirit and many blessings,

Sr. Charlene

Meet the 2023 Jubilarians


Sister M. Juanita Villareal

60th Jubilee

Born: Asherton, TX

Attracted to SSMO by: I visited several communities of Sisters, but speaking with Sr. Ina Marie made the decision easy.


  • Ministry: Education – I have been an educator in several locations and served in several roles.
  • Style of Prayer: Contemplation
  • Saint: Several – St. Teresa of Avila, St. Martin de Porres, St. Juan Diego, St. Jane de Chantal, and Bl. Carlos Acutis.
  • Food: Cheese enchiladas and bean tacos
  • Movie: Films in Spanish
  • Holiday/Holy Day: Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Discernment advice for young adults: Stop dipping your toe in the water and take a plunge. Don’t wait for the perfect sign.

Read more about Sr. Juanita.

Sr. M. Juliana Monti

60th Jubilee

Born: Portland, OR

Attracted to SSMO by: The Sisters’ goodness, joy, prayerfulness, love for our Blessed Mother, and desire to serve our Blessed Savior.


  • Ministry: Music education – Valley Catholic School and the Music School
  • Style of prayer: Rosary
  • Saint: St. Padre Pio
  • Food: Ribs
  • Movie: Ben Hur
  • Holiday/Holy Day: Christmas
  • Recreation: Fishing and crabbing

Discernment advice for young adults: Develop and relationship with God and pray!

Gifts vocation


Holy Spirit, send us the gifts and graces we need to love our neighbor in compassionate and joyful service.


Discernment questions

If you have been thinking about religious life and have a desire to serve God, you may be full of doubts or you may be quite clear. In either case, it is important to ponder and pray.

Here are a few tips and the second in a series of questions to help you ponder and pray this important life decision.

See May’s newsletter for the first set of questions.

First, a few tips:

  • Spend a sufficient amount of time pondering each question.
  • Jot down your thoughts and questions. (Writing your answers helps to clarify your thinking.)
  • Share your responses with a trusted friend, or perhaps with a Sister in whom you have confidence.

Questions: Your Interests

  1. What free-time interests do you have? Things other than studies or work.
  2. Why do you like those interests? What are the benefits?
  3. Do these interests conflict with important things in your life?
  4. Do these things bring you in closer contact with others? If so, what have you learned from these people?

Religious Women Saints for June

They saw a need and responded.

St. Juliana Falconieri

St. Juliana Falconieri

Juliana belonged to the noble Falconieri family of Florence. Her uncle, Alexis Falconieri, was one of the seven founders of the Servite Order. Under his influence, she decided to follow the consecrated life. After her father’s death, she received the habit of the Third Order of the Servites from Philip Benizi. After her mother’s death Juliana and several companions moved into a house of their own in 1305. This became the first convent of the Sisters of the Third Order of Servites. Juliana would serve as Superior until the end of her life.

Her feastday is June 12

St. Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala

St. Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala

When MarĂ­a confided to her spiritual director, Fr. Cipriano Iñiguez, her “sudden change of heart” (about marriage), he told her that he had the inspiration to found a religious congregation focused on serving the hospitalized. He invited MarĂ­a to join him in this work. The new Congregation, which officially began on Oct. 13, 1901, was known as the “Handmaids of St. Margaret Mary (Alacoque) and the Poor.”

Her feastday is June 24

Immaculate Heart of Mary by Diana Ringo

Marian Feastday – The Immaculate Heart of Mary

The feast day of the Immaculate Heart of Mary falls on the day after the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus because devotion to these two hearts was promoted together as a means of entering more deeply into the mystery of God’s love. 

In 1944, in the midst of World War II, Pope Pius XII dedicated the entire world to the patronage and protection of the Immaculate Heart of Mary — the intention expressed in his decree was “peace among nations, freedom for the Church, the conversion of sinners, the love of purity, and the practice of virtue.”

The feastday is June 17.

Upcoming events and opportunities

Discernment – Would you like help with your discernment? We are here to assist. Send a note to [email protected] for more information.

Every Thursday is Holy Hour. You are invited to the weekly Holy Hour with the Sisters. On the first Thursday of each month, the special intention is for vocations to religious life and priesthood. Join us at 6:30 p.m. at the SSMO Motherhouse Chapel.

Please call ahead so someone can meet you at the front door.

Pathways to Life Choices Young Adult Group - 1

Be an Ambassador for Vocation Awareness
We invite you to assist the SSMO Vocation Committee to help raise awareness of the vocation to religious life.

Consider scheduling Committee members to have the vocation display after Masses or inviting a Sister to share information during a Young Adult meeting.

Interested in Attending a Vocation Discussion Group?
We are considering hosting a group of young adults (men and women) who are interested in learning more about religious life and priesthood.

Contact Sr. Charlene at [email protected] if you are interested or have questions.

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