Give:24 was 24 hours of joy-filled giving that supported the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries at Valley Catholic School and Maryville.
Thank you for your generous support on May 24.
The good news is that it is never too late to give. Your generosity continues to ignite joy all over this campus. Visit the Give:24 giving page if you would like to make a joyful gift.
Take a look at what the Sisters, Maryville staff, and Valley Catholic students have to say about joy.
Sister Alison Green says, “Praying for others and praising God fills our lives with joy every day.”
Sister Charlene Herinckx finds joy in her work, “Being Vocation Director fills my heart with joy. It is a pleasure to work with people who are considering how God may be calling them to serve others.”
At Maryville, Activities Director Kathy Fedr says, “Joy at Maryville is activities like bingo and visits from families and friends.”
At Valley Catholic School, joy comes in many forms:
- Laughter and smiles at the early learning school
- Recess is always a favorite for elementary students
- Diving into innovative STEM projects tops many middle schoolers’ list
- Getting ready for graduation is a joyful season for VCHS seniors
- VCS student-athletes say it’s putting on a Valiants uniform to compete on a team for VCS
Celebrate Give:24 by giving joyfully. Your support inspires all of us on the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus and will ignite this joy for generations.