Responding with courage and personal sacrifice to the call of Christ in the Church, our foundresses lived out their desire to become women of prayer, community and service
SSMO Constitutions, Article 1
Dear Friends,
Happy Easter! I have been looking forward to sending you greetings
of joy and peace on this great feast of Easter. This week has been one
of preparation for the great feast of Easter. Cleaning, decorating, and
longer prayer services indicate the importance of this celebration. We
have transitioned from palms to azaleas in our chapel.
May God grant peace to you, your family and friends, and the world!
Sr. Charlene
Meet our Sisters – Sister Thuy Doan

Sr. Thuy Doan grew up in
Vietnam and her family came to the U.S. as political refugees.
After more than 25 years of living in religious community, Sr. Thuy will tell you that her life is filled with grace and God has directed her through the Sisters.
She has enjoyed working with little children in her ministry and is committed to bringing the love of Jesus to them and their families.
Sr. Thuy has enjoyed welcoming new members to the Community as Formation Director.
She loves studying theology and says that her core value for living is taken from the Prophet Micah 6:8,
“What does the Lord require of you but to act justly, to love tenderly, and to walk humbly with your God?”
Visit: Sr. Thuy’s Bio to learn more about her journey and view her 25th Jubilee Flickr album.
Come and See Retreats

Contact Sr. Charlene Herinckx to learn more or register.
Your invitation to a Weekend with the Sisters
Who: single women ages 18 to 35 who want to learn more about religious life.
When: May 18 and June 22
Where: SSMO Motherhouse
Why: This is your opportunity to ask questions, learn more about your discernment and spend some time with our Sisters.
Don’t forget to invite a friend to join you!

Vocational Retreat for Young Men and Women
Vocation Events for April

The SSMO Vocation Committee will be in Oregon, Washington and California this April.
Check out our events page for specific dates and locations.
Be sure to “Hi” when you see us.
Discernment Questions – Relationship with God

April Feastdays

April 26: Our Lady of Good Counsel
Our Lady of Good Counsel is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary, because a painting of
Mary was said to be miraculous and is now found in the thirteenth century Augustinian church at Genazzano, near Rome, Italy.
Women Religious – April

April 18: Blessed Marie Anne Blondin
Blessed Marie Anne Blondin (1809-1890) was a Canadian
teacher who became the foundress of the Sisters of Saint Anne, established in 1850 and dedicated to educating the rural population of the Province of Canada.

April 30: Saint Marie of the Incarnation
Saint Marie of the Incarnation (1599 –1672) was a French Ursuline nun. As part of a group of nuns sent to New France (Quebec) to establish the Ursuline Order, Marie was crucial in the spread of Catholicism in New France. She was a religious author and has been credited with founding the first girls’
school in the New World.