A letter from Valley Catholic Elementary School Principal Dr. Yvonne Ayesiga

Yvonne with ES student and parent

Dear VCES Families,

Thank you for your continued partnership, prayers and support of the work we do to wholesomely educate our students. 

Our community has experienced some difficult times this year, especially with the death of two parents. I have been encouraged and reminded of the wonderful community we have and the loving support we offer each other. In particular, I am thankful to the community members who shared their two therapy dogs with our students during a difficult week. Freely and Neutrino visited and spent time with our students last week. Here are some photos of the therapeutic visits


Dr. Yvonne Ayesiga

VCES Quarterly Quote: “What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” — Jane Goodall 

Career Day

Our annual VCES Career Day was held on Wednesday, April 10. We had a wonderful group of parents, alumni and volunteers come to present their careers to our students. Career Day is also a great opportunity for our families to earn service hours, while helping to teach and share their vocations and careers with our students.  

STAR Testing

Our students completed their third and final STAR tests for this school year from April 3 through April 12. Teachers, learning support and the administration will be able to use the three STAR testing data points to help inform our curriculum and measure student growth throughout this academic year.

Solar Eclipse

Our 3rd – 5th grade students had the opportunity to go outside on Monday, April 8 to view the partial solar eclipse. Teachers prepared the students for this rare phenomenon prior to the excitement of viewing the eclipse. 

Parent Information Night 

We hosted our first Parent Information Night on Tuesday, March 12. We had a good turnout, with approximately 65 parents in attendance. The topics discussed included a State of the School update from Dr. Ayesiga, as well as information on STAR testing, report cards and extended absences/attendance.