Responding with courage and personal sacrifice to the call of Christ in the Church, our foundresses lived out their desire to become Women of Prayer, Community and Service. SSMO Constitutions, Article 1
Dear Friends,
As the new school year approaches, we can feel the excitement in the air! We look forward to fresh starts and new activities both at Valley Catholic School and here at the Motherhouse. Meanwhile, this issue of the newsletter reviews some summer activities, features the last of our nine Jubilarians, and as provides information about some future activities.
Sr. Charlene
Meet our Jubilarians

Sister Michael Francine Duncan
25th Jubilee
Born: Bridgeton, New Jersey
Attracted to SSMO by: The earthiness of the Sisters, their “can-do” attitude, simplicity, living together, prayer life, and daily communal prayer.
- Ministry: Counseling and CYO/Camp Howard
- Style of Prayer: Adoration, prayers of petition and praise, Divine Office and Lectio Divina
- Saint: St. Michael, St. Francis de Sales, St. Teresa of Calcutta
- Food: Italian, Mediterranean
- Book/Author: Jane Austin and Edgar Allan Poe
- Movie: Blade Runner and The Day the Earth Stood Still
- Holiday/Holy Day: Holy Week and Easter
- Recreation: Walking, caring for cats and reading
Discernment advice for young adults: Go to prayer, trust God, take a chance by exploring religious communities and pray again!
Moments from Jubilee ’23
Visit our Flickr page to relive all the moments from our beautiful Jubilee celebration.
Community Days
Each August the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon gather at our Motherhouse for a few days before the feast of the Assumption of Mary (Aug. 15) for planning, reports, sharing, fun and games, and preparation for a new year of ministry.
On the feast of the Assumption of Mary the Sisters wish each other “Happy Anniversary” as that day has become our traditional day for profession of vows.
A fun feature has been an exhibit of the Sisters’ craft creations from the past year.
More Summer Activities

Discernment Questions
If you have been thinking about religious life and have a desire to serve God, you may be full of doubts or you may be quite clear. In either case, it is important to ponder and pray.
See the May, June, July, and August newsletters for additional questions to consider.
Questions: Where are you now?
- School or working?
- If working, did you choose this occupation? Is it satisfying to you and your need to serve?
- If in school, what are your studies leading you toward?
- How satisfied are you with what you are currently doing?
- Does your occupation foster a way to minister to others? Especially, if you pursue religious life?
- What would be the reaction of your peers/co-workers if you shared that you are considering religious life?
Did you know?
In the 2020 Survey of new members to religious communities (from 2003-2018), these statistics indicated what attracts discerners to a particular Community:
95% Spirituality
94% Charism
93% Mission
93% Prayer Life
92% Community Life
90% Example of members
88% Welcome
84% Ministries
72% Founder’s Story
What top five factors would you consider most attractive?
What other factors would you list as important to you?

Invitations to Learn and Discern
Check out these opportunities to connect and learn more about Religious life.
Sunday with the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon
Mark your calendar: Sept. 24, Nov. 19 and Dec. 10

In search of information about:
- Living the vowed life today
- How Communities are similar/different
- How to get more information and ask questions
Come and meet Sisters of various ages, ministries and interests!
- 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer
- 9:00 a.m. Mass
- 9:45 a.m. Refreshments followed by input and sharing
- 11:30 a.m. Lunch with the Sisters
Contact Sr. Charlene at 503-805-6201 to register and get more information.
Location: SSMO Motherhouse
4440 SW 148th Ave.
Beaverton, OR 97018
Exploring Sisterhood
Virtual Intercongregational Retreat for Religious Discernment
Saturday, Oct. 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST
Open to Catholic Women ages 20 to 45

Contact Diane Tomkinson to register. Sponsored by the Vocation Directors in the NRVC Pacific Northwest area.
Religious Woman Saint – September

St. Teresa of Calcutta
Who does not recognize this amazing woman and all the good she accomplished?
Her feastday is celebrated on Sept. 5. Here are some quotations that reveal her faith, hope and charity.
- If you judge people, you have no time to love them.
- Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.
- The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved.
- Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier.
- Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, at His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depth of our hearts.
Marian Feastdays in September
We are blessed to celebrate three significant feasts of Mary in the month of September. The Nativity of Mary (Sept. 8), the Holy Name of Mary (Sept. 12), and Our Lady of Sorrows (Sept. 15). Each feast has a great significance in the life of every person – birth, positive reputation/good name, and embracing the trials and challenges of life.

Mary serves as such a great example of being a holy human being who was able to face the challenges of daily life with faith and integrity. No one, including Mary, is free of daily difficulties. We do not know many details of her daily life but we know quite clearly the great sorrow she endured. She knows our needs and temptations all these years later.