The Van Dyke Family
The Van Dyke Family

In a heartfelt tribute to his late wife Carol, who passed away on November 1, 2023, Mr. James Van Dyke has lovingly worked with Michelle’s Piano Co. in Portland to refurbish Maryville’s oldest piano. This touching gesture, made on behalf of the entire Van Dyke family, serves as a beautiful way to honor Carol’s memory and her love for music.

Carol Van Dyke’s room was the last one in the hall, closest to the piano, making it a central part of her daily life. Their grandson, Mitchell, would often play the piano for Carol, filling the hallways with melodies that brought joy to the family. Mr. Van Dyke’s dedication to refurbishing the piano is not just about preserving an instrument but about keeping the spirit of music alive for the residents and staff at Maryville.

Van Dyke With Kathleen, Sam And Sister
Sr. Josephine, Sr. Adele Marie, James Van Dyke, Carla Van Dyke and Kathleen Parry.

Kathy Fedr, Activities Director at Maryville, shared her fond memories of Carol. “Carol was such a sophisticated lady and never left her room without checking her appearance and making sure she had fresh lipstick on. She was always complimentary and offered you chocolate while you were visiting her. Only kind words came out of her mouth. She was a pianist. I loved to hear her play. I remember a time when one of the entertainers was late. She stepped in and played the piano for us – the crowd loved her! Heaven received a beautiful angel.”

Sister Josephine Pelster also reminisced about Carol, saying, “My precious memories of Carol were her love for her husband and family, love for her faith, and, of course, her love for music. She and Jim were inseparable. When I asked her if I could take her to chapel, she would respond with ‘Jim will be taking me.’ Often when visiting her, I would glance at the collage of family photos and ask about them. It always gave her a big smile. She would thank me for asking and share with me about the most recent visit and who she was looking forward to seeing.”

When the Van Dyke family visited, they were often found standing near the piano as she played or you would see her sitting and enjoying one of them playing for her. She was proud of having taught her sons and grandchildren how to play the piano. Carol truly appreciated her faith, family, and the gift of music.

Van Dyke Piano # 3
The Van Dyke Piano 4

The melodies played on this piano bring happiness to Maryville residents and create a comforting environment for everyone. For the Van Dyke family, the piano holds special meaning, representing love, joy, and the enduring power of music. Through this act, Mr. Van Dyke ensures that the music will continue to play on, bringing happiness and a sense of connection to all who hear it. It is a reminder that even in the face of loss, the beauty of music can offer solace and keep cherished memories alive.

Van Dyke Photo 3
Van Dyke Photo 2

Jim Van Dyke and Michelle’s Piano Co., the refurbished piano is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for letting Maryville residents and employees share your joy!

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