
The Holy Cross

The cross has become a universal symbol of Christian faith. Many artists have transformed it into a beautiful object to be carried in processions or worn as jewelry. However, to the early Christians, it was not seen as beautiful.

Do you wear a cross around your neck? It might seem strange to wear something that was once a symbol of punishment and torture, but when we remember St. Helena finding the true cross, we are reminded that the cross is a sign of triumph. When we wear this symbol, we carry a reminder of Christ’s work. If you do not wear a cross, that is okay. You might want to consider adopting a different devotional reminder.    

Melissa McCoy

Melissa McCoy
Maryville Chaplain

September Notes:

  • Mass is open to residents, families and friends. It is offered at 10 a.m. in the Chapel Sunday to Friday. Residents and families can also tune to Maryville channel 63 to participate from their rooms.
  • Liturgical color – Green for ordinary time
  • Sept. 3 – Memorial of Pope St. Gregory the Great
  • Sept. 8 – Feast of the Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Sept. 14 – Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  • Sept. 29 – Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael – Archangels
  • Sept. 30 – Memorial of St. Jerome
Our Lady of Lavang - Mary Statue
Statue of Mary at Our Lady of Lavang Parish in San Jose, CA
Photo courtesy of Sr. Charlene Herinckx

The Birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Did you know that we do not know the exact day when Mary was born? Thankfully, the Church helps by fixing events in time and space for us. The Church celebrates the day of Mary’s birth because, as Pope Paul VI wrote in his Marialis Cultus, Mary’s birth represents “the hope of the entire world and the dawn of salvation.”

You might want to consider adding Mary’s birthday to your calendar. You could also say a prayer on her birthday, thanking God for Mary’s role in our salvation – her “yes.”
The Companion Book of Catholic Days – Summary

Jesus and the Cross in the VCES/MS Chapel

Feast of The Exaltation of The Holy Cross – September 14

In the early 4th century, Saint Helena journeyed to Jerusalem to locate the places associated with the life of Christ. She dismantled the Temple of Aphrodite, believed to have been built over the Tomb of Jesus, and her son later built the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre on that site. Workers stumbled upon three crosses, and the cross on which Jesus died was identified when it miraculously healed a dying woman.

The cross became an object of great reverence and is celebrated by eastern churches on the September anniversary of the basilica’s dedication. The western calendar also celebrates the exaltation of the holy cross, after emperor Heraclius recovered the cross from the Persians. Legend has it that the emperor returned the cross to Jerusalem as a humble pilgrim.

Courtesy: Franciscan Media

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