Oliver Strayer, Pretham Nandakumar, Mithran Ganesan, Zane Hemphill, and Gabe Moreno.
Ewan Gillespie, Jasmine Huang, Tia Chakrapani, Ellie Kinkade and Ella Cook.
Tessa Slayton, Sophia Randall and Henry Nash.
Jack Wilson, Erik Greenley, Ayush Ghongadi and Nico Farmer.
In an effort to address waste and pollution-related challenges that may exist 100 years from now in our urban environments, Valley Catholic Middle School students were tasked with the challenge of engineering a waste-free city that uses the principles of a circular economy. Future City is a project-based learning program and competition where students research, design, and build cities of the future. Four teams represented Valley Catholic at the Regional Virtual Future City Competition on Saturday, Jan. 22.
Team Land of Tomorrow
- Winner of the regional finals and qualifier for the national competition
Team Gronurbyur
- Best Land Surveying Award
- Most Entertaining Virtual City Presentation
Team Salix
- Best City Essay Award