A letter from Valley Catholic School President John Matcovich

John Matcovich

Happy New Year! Students and staff returned to campus last week after a much-needed break for the Christmas holidays. Now, school is back in full swing. Students are wrapping up the first semester (and preparing for finals in the middle and high schools), VC athletes are competing on the court and in the pool, and the Valley Catholic campus is back into the rhythm of school. It’s good to be back together!

January is a time when we look ahead; in addition to turning the calendar page to a New Year, we also begin the planning process for next school year. The first round application deadline for prospective new students is Jan. 10, and financial aid applications are due the same day.  Reenrollment for the 2025-26 school year for current families will begin mid-February.

The planning process also includes school finances. Administrators are busy preparing their budget forecasts for 2025-26. A key focus in this budget cycle is to raise teacher salaries to coincide with inflation and pay increases set by public school districts’ recent contract negotiations. The campus finance office and the school board are already hard at work in making these important financial decisions. Enrollment projections remain stable – thanks to continued strong interest in Valley Catholic School.

I am grateful for the wonderful partnership that exists among our school families, committed teaching staff and campus leadership. Together we have created a rich educational environment that is preparing our students to excel now, and in the future.


John Matcovich

Valley Catholic School President