Hope is found in an excellent education. This is VCS.
Your tax-deductible gift supports the hope of an excellent education for more than 1,200 VCS students.
Give to Valley Catholic today – This is YOU making a difference!
Hope is found in an excellent education. This is VCS.
Your tax-deductible gift supports the hope of an excellent education for more than 1,200 VCS students.
Give to Valley Catholic today – This is YOU making a difference!
Valiant Michael Wanner showed tremendous leadership and service to his community by helping to improve the courtyard space at the high school.
Your support at the VCS Gala was evident – raising more than $360,000 with an impressive $180,000 allocated for tuition assistance!
Congratulations, Class of 2021!
A family honors their 25 years with the Sisters and Valley Catholic School through a heartwarming and lasting gift.
The VCS Gala online auction closed on Nov. 12 at 5 p.m.
Thank you for supporting VCS Gala.
Join us for one or several Valiant Christmas performances from our students during the next two weeks.