Jubilee 2024 Diana Jean

Responding with courage and personal sacrifice to the call of Christ in the Church, our foundresses lived out their desire to become women of prayer, community and service
SSMO Constitutions, Article 1

Dear Friends,

Summer is a very busy time here at the Motherhouse, with many comings and goings and celebrations. During this past month, seven of our Sisters attended the National Eucharistic Conference in Indianapolis and we celebrated Jubilee here at the Motherhouse on Sunday, July 28 – honoring Sr. Diana Jean Neumayer for her 25 years as a Sister of St. Mary of Oregon and remembered Sr. Evelyn Schwall’s 70 years of service.

Please note the upcoming opportunities on the horizon. August is set to be a rewarding and uplifting month for the SSMO. Finally, we are hopeful to share plans for a Vocation Discernment Group by next month.


Sr. Charlene

Meet our Sisters – Sister Ruth Frank

Sister Ruth Frank

Visit ssmo.org/sister/frank to read more about Sr. Ruth Frank’s amazing journey.

Sister Ruth Frank was inspired by many family and friends to heed the call to Religious life. She notes that she heard God’s call several times throughout her early life.

Taught by SSMO Sisters, influenced by her parents’ dedication and encouraged by her friend (and later Sister), Sr. Ruth Frank joined the Aspirancy Program and dreamed of becoming a Sister throughout her school years.

On Aug. 15, 1958, Sr. Ruth Frank took her first vows as an SSMO. Since that time, she has served as a principal, teacher and prayer warrior.

Sisters at Eucharistic Congress
Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis

Seven SSMOs attend the National Eucharistic Congress

Seven SSMOs attended the National Eucharistic Congress (along with 40 thousand others). Here are a few insights from their once-in-a-lifetime experience.

  • Sr. Thuy Doan: Eucharist is a gift for all of us. We should strive to be a gift for one another!
  • Sr. Alison Green: Be renewed in our conviction – that it is our personal and communal prayer. That is the greatest gift we can give the Body of Christ.
  • Sr. Anna Nguyen: I received many blessings at the Eucharistic Congress. It renewed my faith and I am inspired to spend more time in meditation/adoration.
  • Sr. Juanita Villareal: We are One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church united in Spirit and in Truth hungering for the Bread of Life!
  • Sr. Thanh Pham: The Eucharistic Revival starts with personal repentance, through which we will discover healing, hope, and joy.
  • Sr. Juana Gutierrez: Love is the only way to heal our world – personally and communally – and the only path to love is repentance and forgiveness.
Sister Diana Jean Neumayer At Jubilee

Jubilee 2024

On Sunday, July 28, we joyously celebrated the Jubilee of two inspiring Sisters whose lives have been dedicated to service and community.

We honored the legacy of Sister Evelyn Schwall, who devoted 70 years to prayer-filled teaching and storytelling before her passing in May. We also celebrated the 25th Jubilee of Sister Diana Jean Neumayer, whose consistent dedication to her children, grandchildren, and Sisters has been a reflection of her loving spirit.

Bishop Peter Smith presided at the Eucharistic celebration and offered words of encouragement and gratitude to Sr. Diana Jean for her commitment and ministry.

Visit our Jubilee page to see photos, videos and stories about these joy-filled women.

Discernment Opportunities

Here are a few first-hand opportunities for women who are considering a commitment to religious life to learn more with our Sisters.

  • Aug. 15 | Mass of Perpetual Profession of Sr. Thanh Pham – 1:30 at the SSMO Motherhouse
  • Oct. 5 | Day with the Sisters – Single, Catholic women between the ages of 18-35 who are discerning their call. Bring your questions and spend some time with us.
  • Nov. 8 – 10 | Retreat weekend at the Faculty House of the Sisters of the Holy Names in Lake Oswego. Sponsored by the Vocation Directors of the Pacific Northwest,
  • Weekly | Join the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon for Sunday Mass at 9 a.m. and Thursday Holy Hour at 6:30 p.m.
  • Inquire with the SSMO Vocation Director about upcoming retreats for discerners

Questions about Discernment

How do religious sisters, brothers, and priests spend their days?

Religious sisters, brothers and priests spend their days at prayer, work, and play. They strive to live balanced lives with their relationship with God as their priority. Prayer, both personal and with others, is an essential part of the daily rhythm of their lives. Works of mercy and ministries in areas such as education, health care, and social services are also very important.

Vowed communal life also allows time for personal interests, family, and fun.

Visit SSMO Vocations webpages for more insight into discernment and formation as well as events, FAQs and key terms for discerners.

Did you Know?

The top three ways to aid discernment to religious life:

  • Meet with a member of a Community
  • Join a Community for prayer and meals
  • Discern with a Vocation Director

Myth: Conservative or traditional communities are the only communities attracting new members.

Fact: Religious institutes that have a focused mission, live in community, have regular prayer and sacramental life, and wear a habit tend to have a higher proportion of new members.

Those characteristics are not restricted to traditional or conservative communities. The 2009 study indicates that men and women are drawn to all types of religious life.

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