
Every five years, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon elect new leadership and approve a direction statement to guide the Community.

SSMO Leadership (2020–2025)

Superior General

Sister Michael Francine Duncan

Read a monthly letter from our Superior General

Vicar General

Sister Denise Klaas

General Councilor

Sister Sara Goggin

General Councilor

Sister Rita Watkins

SSMO Direction Statement

Women of Vision: Welcoming All with Compassion and Joy

We, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon,
in order to live a more vibrant communal life,
commit ourselves to an ever deeper living
of our charism and mission.

Guided by the Spirit, we strive to build authentic relationships
of trust with one another.

In gratitude for our diversity of gifts,
we encourage opportunities
to recognize, develop, and utilize the unique talents and skills of each Sister.

As witnesses to the Gospel in our current times,
we embrace technology and other creative means
to respond to the Church’s mission
of social justice and care for the vulnerable.

As good stewards of God’s gift of our sacred space,
we assess and enhance the Motherhouse and properties
to reflect our values of hospitality, sustainability, and care for our Sisters.

SSMO Leadership election and direction statement process

Through prayerful consideration and evaluation of their community life and ministry, the Sisters worked together to approve a direction statement to guide the Community through the next five years.

Work on the statement began at the Sisters’ Community Days in August of 2019. The statement was drafted by Sr. Catherine Hertel, Sr. Sara Goggin and Sr. Colleen Schmitt.

The chapter meeting took place amid extraordinary circumstances that no one could have envisioned. The Sisters adapted and conducted their meeting virtually for the first time in their history. The Sisters concluded their Chapter meeting on Saturday, March 28. The next Chapter meeting will take place in 2025.