Kyu Hwa Park, fondly known as Maria Park by her residents and co-workers, is June’s Employee of the Month. Maria is a certified nurse assistant (CNA) in the center unit and has worked in Maryville for nine years. Her history with Maryville began when she volunteered in the activities department on her days off. At that time, she was working as an officer at her church, The Church of Korean Martyrs. She states she wanted to be able to help people and one day, she approached the receptionist and asked how she could get a job here and she was told that she needed to get a certification as a nurse assistant. She completed this and was then hired as a CNA.
Maria was born in South Korea and migrated to the United States with her family in 1992. She has two sons and a daughter and one grandson from her oldest son. She enjoys gardening in her free time and playing the piano.
Her main motivation for working in Maryville is to be able to help the residents. This brings her so much happiness when she sees that she is making a difference in their lives, and this is evident in the joyful way that Maria comes to work every day!