On Sunday, July 26, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon honored the 2020 Jubilarians. Sister Elizabeth, Sr. Rose Mary and Sister Theresa celebrated their 70th Jubilee, and Sister Joyce celebrated her 60th Jubilee. Photos of this year’s Jubilee may be viewed on this link.
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ANNUAL FUND – Together, We Come Full Circle!
Strengthen the circle of support for the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus with your gift to the Annual Fund.
Jubilee 2021
The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon (SSMO) annually honor Sisters who are celebrating significant anniversaries of their service and ministry. The SSMO Jubilee is held on the last Sunday in July.
Thank You
You contribute so much when you give to the Annual Fund!

Whole in One Golf Tournament 2022
On Wednesday, May 18, more than 80 golfers teed off at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club. Friends of the Sisters, parents from Valley Catholic School and vendors and supporters of Maryville came together as one community for our ninth annual golf tournament.
Cultivate Lives
Give to the Annual Fund and help the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries cultivate lives.
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