Sr. Thanh and Sr. Michael Francine with Bishop

Responding with courage and personal sacrifice to the call of Christ in the Church, our foundresses lived out their desire to become women of prayer, community and service
SSMO Constitutions, Article 1

Dear Friends,

Summer days have been eclipsed by the busyness of preparing for another year of ministry. Let’s face it, whether in school ministry or not, September always has the feel of new beginnings. That is certainly the case here at the Motherhouse and on the entire SSMO campus.

It is also true for our vocation outreach. Planning is underway for our presentations, retreats, and displays during the final months of the year. Please note the Discernment Opportunities in this Newsletter and let us know if you
are interested in any of the programs being offered.


Sr. Charlene

Meet our Sisters – Sister Catherine Hertel

Sister Catherine Hertel (1)

Sister Catherine Hertel’s first memory of the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon was when she was about 3 years old. She remembers visiting her aunt, Sr. Bernice Marie with her family and recalls bringing eggs to the Sisters each
Sunday. She loved the “reward” – a cookie or a
holy card!

Sr. Catherine attended St. Mary of the Valley Academy (now Valley Catholic School) and she has enjoyed several ministries in education, leadership and community service during her 66 years as an SSMO.

Sr. Catherine’s vocation included establishing the Sisters’ classes in English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) where she helped more than 1,000 people in the local community learn English.

This amazing work led the Washington County chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution to give Sr. Catherine their Women in American History Award in 2023.

Visit to read more about Sr. Catherine Hertel’s amazing journey.

Discernment Opportunities

Here are a few first-hand opportunities, for women who are considering a commitment to religious life, to learn more with our Sisters.

  • Oct. 5 | Day with the Sisters – Single, Catholic women between the ages of 18-35 who are discerning their call. Bring your questions and spend some time with us.
  • Nov. 8 – 10 | Live with Purpose, Serve with Love – Retreat weekend at the Faculty House of the Sisters of the Holy Names in Lake Oswego. Sponsored by the Vocation Directors of the Pacific Northwest – Fill out this form to register.
  • Weekly | Join the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon for Sunday Mass at 9 a.m. and Thursday Holy Hour at 6:30 p.m.
  • Inquire with the SSMO Vocation Director about upcoming retreats for discerners

A Day of Rejoicing – Sr. Thanh Pham’s Perpetual Profession

Congratulations to Sister Thanh Pham. On the feast day of the Assumption of Mary, Aug. 15, 2024, Sr. Thanh made her perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience to God forever in front of her Sisters, family and friends.  

Check out our Flickr album of the day and enjoy this video of Sr. Thanh’s journey.

Sr. Thanh perpetual vows
Sr. Thanh Pham professing vows

Thank you for reading our Vocations Newsletter. Visit the SSMO Vocations page to learn more about the journey to religious life and contact the Vocations Director to learn more.

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