Sister Anne Vandecoevering
God is so good, oh so good to me. I had two very religious parents. At night we said the rosary and litany of our Blessed Mother and more prayers. As a toddler of the age of three or four I remember yelling “pray for us” at each invocation of the litany.
In school as a second grader I wanted to be a sister. Religion was my top subject and I usually won the prizes. I wanted to go to St Mary’s for school, but we had a large family and finances were very limited. However, at the beginning of my Junior year I was accepted to the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon. I have been very happy as a Sister. Yes, God is so good!
But… “dat ain’t all”! God gave a vocation to Religious life to my two sisters as well. Sister Agnes Marie, his little Dutch girl and Sister Anne his little calculator. Sister Anne loved Math because my father would like to challenge her to math questions.
As Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Religion and Religious Education came first for the three of us. We had the opportunity during the summer to go to many parishes and teach Summer Religions classes. Sr Anne was the organizer, Sr. Agnes Marie was the artist and I did the teaching. We have done over 100 summer class programs. THANK YOU GOD!
The Three Vandecoevering Sisters!
Sr. Clare Vandecoevering – Sr. Anne Vandecoevering – Sr. Agnes Marie Vandecoevering
Photo albums
We invite you to enjoy photos from the lives and ministry of the Sisters Vandecoevering:
- Sr. Agnes Marie Vandecoevering
- Sr. Anne Vandecoevering
- Sr. Clare Vandecoevering celebrates her 70th Jubilee in 2017.
- Sister Agnes Marie and Sr. Anne celebrated their 60th Jubilees in 2013.