Sister Barbara Rose Sohler

I persevere in religious life because of my desire and love for God. This strong desire to be close to God has always been my motive for living as a Religious Sister. I felt this very strongly even when I first entered the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon convent long ago.

Living in a community of sisters who have the same ideals that I do helps me to be faithful.  Religious life is built on companionship with the sisters, our daily schedule and structure. The Religious life style helps all of us on our way to God by providing good example and encouragement. We all have the opportunity to attend Mass daily and to pray always. Our prayer and companionship gives meaning and purpose to my life and I am very grateful to God for inviting me and I am grateful to the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon Community for sustaining me. I believe that it must be God’s desire for me that leads me to desire God.

Photos of Sr. Barbara Rose’s life and ministry are available on our Flickr site.