September View from the Dome Newsletter

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Our Mission
We, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, share in the mission
of Jesus by proclaiming the Good News of God’s love.

Letter from the Superior General

Sister Michael Francine Vftd 683x1024
Superior General Sister Michael Francine

Dear Friends, Family, Sisters and Brothers,

Welcome to autumn, back to school, and the harvest season. Our Sisters celebrated the feast day of the Assumption of Mary on Aug. 15. On this happy day, Sr. Thanh Pham made her Perpetual Profession of Religious Vows. The sacredness of this day is profound. Each SSMO Sister recalls the day when she publicly professed to God the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience forever.

Sr. Thanh Perpetual Vows

Celebrating Sr. Thanh Pham’s Perpetual Vows

We are delighted to announce that Sr. Thanh Pham professed her Perpetual Vows on Aug. 15 – the feast day of the Assumption of Mary. Surrounded by her Sisters in Community, family and friends, Sr. Thanh has followed in the footsteps of many SSMOs before her, responding to the call of the Holy Spirit with devotion and dedication. Join us in celebrating this joyous occasion and praying for Sr. Thanh as she embarks on this lifelong path of faith and service.

Jesus and the Cross in the VCES/MS Chapel

SSMO Vocation Newsletter – September 2024

Summer days have been eclipsed by the busyness of preparing for another year of ministry. Regardless of your vocation, September is a time of new beginnings. Take time to see what is on the horizon for SSMO in our latest vocation newsletter.

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Save the Date for the 2024 VCS Gala

Mark your calendars for the VCS Gala Dinner and Auction

The Valley Catholic School Gala, the school’s biggest fundraiser of the year, is Saturday, Nov. 2, at NW Events in Hillsboro. The VCS Gala is a community-wide event with a silent auction, followed by dinner and a live auction.

Mark you calendar – Registration opens Sept. 16.

To help us get started, we are asking for a $50 or more donation to the Gala effort. Your support underwrites the procurement of fantastic trips, wine packages, and other highly valued items.

Visit to get the latest Gala information, to make your donation, to learn about sponsorship opportunities or to donate an auction item. Then watch for the Gala newsletter, arriving to your inbox on Sundays, starting Sept. 15.

Questions? Contact Caroline Fogarty, Events Manager at 503-718-6486 or [email protected].

Prayer Requests

If you would like the Sisters to add a special intention to our daily prayers, please send an email to [email protected].

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