
Annual Fund 2024-25

The Annual Fund Uplifts Lives

The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon campus community provides a legacy of joyful service, excellence in education and a place for our loved ones to feel at home. Your tax-deductible gift to the Annual Fund uplifts the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon and their sponsored ministries of Valley Catholic School and Maryville.

“May the blessing of the Lord be upon you. We bless you in the name of the Lord.”

The Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon

Your Annual Fund donation uplifts the lives of those served by the Sisters and their sponsored ministries. As an integral part of the Sisters’ 138-year legacy, your gift extends the reach of their blessings.

Valley Catholic School

Your donation to the Annual Fund uplifts young minds and spirits at Valley Catholic School. It fosters an inclusive environment where students flourish through access to opportunities that last a lifetime.


Your donation to the Annual Fund uplifts the ‘Service with Love’ provided for Maryville residents and their families. It bolsters the compassionate care that is offered by Maryville’s dedicated nurses and caregivers.