A letter from Valley Catholic Middle School Principal Dr. Jennifer Gfroerer

Jen sitting with hands crossed on a table

Dear VCMS Families,

The end of the first academic semester is nearly upon us, and with that comes final exams. Valley Catholic Middle School uses final exams as part of the life skills that students develop within our program. 

Teaching students how to study with a specific goal in mind helps them grow and refine their study skills. Students learn about test-taking strategies, different types of tests, and how to study for them.

Finals provide a reason – albeit imposed – for students to retain and apply knowledge across multiple subjects. This helps the students master the material while applying what they have learned outside the classroom. This contrasts with unit tests or projects, which might be forgotten since students are not required to use longer-term memory.

By using final exams as a skill development, students learn organization, project planning, and stress management skills. 

Students are taught to cull through a semester’s worth of materials and assemble the items needed for a final exam. They receive direct instruction on test-taking strategies and effective use of study guides while also receiving materials to continue their preparation at home.

In addition to managing the content, a significant amount of time is spent trying to limit stress triggers and developing strategies for managing stress. These include teaching students to use measured breathing, stretches, and “fidgets” while also exposing students to the strengths of sleep, healthy eating, and exercise in retaining and recalling information.

During finals week, students will be exposed to several anti-stress techniques, including popular forms of aroma therapy, yoga, and aerobic exercise, to name a few. Staff can help students with anxiety issues, as they learn and implement strategies that will help them in high school and beyond.  

The staff makes sure to set every student up for success, provided the student does his/her part. Students learn every part of taking a final, from the prep work to managing time and emotions during the test. After three years of adding additional test-taking skills, VCMS students are very prepared to face the challenges of high school exams. 

Dr. Jennifer Gfroerer