VCMS to VCHS Admissions

The following programs are specific to 8th-graders at Valley Catholic Middle School.

HSPT (High School Placement Test)

• All VCMS 8th-graders will take the HSPT during school hours at Valley Catholic.

• You do NOT need to register or pay for the HSPT

• Valley Catholic will register you automatically and covers the cost of the HSPT for VCMS students

Honors and Early Admission

Honors Admissions

• Offered to students with a 3.55 GPA or higher that represent the core values of SSMO

• Must have attended VCMS for at least one full year

• No application required

• Can’t apply to other high schools if you accept honors admission

• Honors admission letters sent Nov. 17th

• Enrollment deadline of Dec. 4th

Early Admission

Available for any VCMS 8th grader not offered honors admission

• No application fee

• Early admission invitation sent Nov.17th

• Can’t apply to other high schools if you are accepted through early admission

• Early application due by Dec. 4th

Students that choose not to take advantage of honors or early admission can apply through the regular admissions process with an application deadline of Jan. 12th.