Rehabilitation Services
Maryville has an extensive rehabilitation program to support adults after a hospital stay.
Our rehabilitation services include physical, speech and occupational therapy. We develop a personalized plan to meet the needs of each are developed to meet the individual needs of a resident.
By restoring mobility, our residents gain more independence and a better sense of self worth and accomplishment.
In 2015, Maryville opened its south unit featuring new space for 16 beds for adults who need high-quality, short-term rehabilitation. Clients enjoy single rooms with private baths.
In addition, the Maryville Therapy Courtyard, a gift from Joseph J. and Edith A. Cholick, provides a lovely environment for men and women who are undergoing physical therapy to regain or build skills for daily living, including outpatients who are in short-stay or long-term care.
(Top left and center photos by Casey Braunger ©Ankrom Moisan Architects.)