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Our Mission
We, the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, share in the mission
of Jesus by proclaiming the Good News of God's love.

Letter from the Superior General

Sister Michael Francine Vftd 683x1024
Superior General Sister Michael Francine

The warmth of August has arrived. This month is special for the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon as we will have our Annual Retreat and Community Days this month. The SSMO Community Days conclude with the celebration of the great feast of the Assumption of Mary on August 15.

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Sister At Jubilee 2024

SSMO Vocation Newsletter - August 2024

Summer is a very busy time here at the Motherhouse, with many comings and goings and celebrations. In this edition of the SSMO Vocation Newsletter we glean inspirational insight from the Sisters who attended the National Eucharistic Congress, celebrate Sr. Diana Jean and Sr. Evenlyn Schwall's Jubilee, and look ahead to some important events on the horizon. 

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Foundation, Maryville

Secure Your Legacy Today

August is more than sunshine and summer fun. Its 'Make-a-Will-Month.' Our free tool will help you leave a legacy for the people and causes you cherish in just 20 minutes.

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Chaplain's Corner - August

Maryville Chaplain, Melissa McCoy, shares monthly insights about the Catholic faith with Maryville residents and families.

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Honoring a Legacy Through Music: The Van Dyke Family's Tribute

In a heartfelt tribute to his late wife Carol, who passed away on November 1, 2023, Mr. Van Dyke has lovingly refurbished the family piano.

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Save the Date for the 2024 VCS Gala

Join us on Saturday, Nov. 2 at NW Events in Hillsboro, to celebrate Valley Catholic faculty, families, students and alumni at our annual Gala dinner and auction. Proceeds from the Gala help Valley Catholic School meet its annual operating budget and provide financial aid resources for students in need.

Registration is coming soon! Visit valleycatholic.org/gala to learn more or make a donation. For sponsorship and table host opportunities, please contact: Caroline Fogarty, Events Manager at 503-807-9427. 

Prayer Requests

If you would like the Sisters to add a special intention to our daily prayers, please send an email to [email protected].

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